My Village Forest (wild bee) honey is a 100% Natural organic product sourced from Wayanad Deep Forest (Kerala). The Quality and taste of honey depend upon the flower visited by bees. This, in turn, depends on pasturage. Bees feed on the nectar produced by the flowers. Raw unprocessed honey may contain white foam on top. It is light flavorful and packed with air bubbles that have trapped some of the wondrous stuff that is in raw honey: pollen, propolis, wax, and of course raw honey. My Village Wild honey from Waynad Forest is Unprocessed, Unheated, Raw honey just filtered using a cotton cloth.
- My Village Forest (wild bee) honey is a 100% Natural organic product.
- This is Raw unprocessed honey, which contains white foam on top. It is flavorful and packed with air bubbles that have trapped some of the wondrous stuff that is in raw honey: pollen, propolis, wax, and of course raw honey.
- Honey is collected from wildflowers. The taste of honey depends upon the flower visited by bees.
- 100% Natural, Unprocessed, Unpasteurized, Unheated Honey. Natural Multi Flower Honey from Kerala forest region (Wayanad).
- Free from chemicals and antibiotics. It contains natural pollen and enzymes, Straight from the Natural Beehive.
- Instructions: Store in a cool hygienic place. Should be in airtight container. Always use a dry spoon. Best before 12 months from the date of packing.
- Ingredients: 250gm Raw Wild Honey..
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